Optime developed Adobe’s fully automated web based incentive program exclusively for Brazil, Mexico, and SLAM in order to support the business development and market growth of Adobe and its partners. It aims to recognize, empower and reward Adobe Partners’ sales teams for their sales accomplishments and winning behaviors.
Optime created an official point system that drives key products and winning behaviors based on quarterly business objectives. These points serve to reward sales reps for their commitment and sales performance. Program members have full visibility of Adobe products and their respective value in points, which then allows them to redeem their points for prizes from the broad variety of options available in the prize catalog.
In addition, the program offers a complete report module for visibility of performance and results in 4 languages covering the diversity of the region. From initial development, to continuous communication strategies, daily members care, and prize fulfillment, Optime offers Adobe one focal point for the complete management of the program.